TimeTec Access

TimeTec Access is a comprehensive ACaaS, or Access Control as a Service we offer to the world

A combination of software hosted on the cloud, simplified controllers and a smartphone App as new access credential loaded with more computing power and features; a new landscape for access control industry begins here at TimeTec Access.

Key Features

  • User Management - Create user profiles and fill in the required information. Assign Managers or Supervisors as Admins to manage their respective divisions.
    • User Information
    • Multi Layered Organization
    • Flexible Access Rights
  • Door & Access Management - Create listing or doors and Bluetooth smart controllers, along with their access rules to secure your premises. Assign users into different groups and determine each group access rights.
  • Update & Analysis - Receive push notification on your mobile TimeTec Access app about your doors’ activities. Login to the web to have a full view of users who access your doors and their doors’ activities.
  • Reporting - Be in the know of all your access data for a more safe & secure environment.
    • Pre-Configured Reports
    • Multiple Filter Option
    • Save in Various Formats and Print

Benfits of TimeTec Access

  1. Fast and easy system deployment. Minimize burden on IT and support staff. Low upfront capital investment for an effective system
  2. Predictable monthly payments for effective financial planning. Multi-branch management made easy. Accessible via Internet anytime, anywhere.
  3. Free & regular software updates. Optimal uptime and system reliability. Reduce IT maintenance and upgrade costs.
  4. Unlimited worldwide support from our global partner network.
  5. High reliability with over 15 years experience in access control system development and industry.
  6. Secure, redundant and environmentally conscious data center.